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Hello, [your Hiber name],

I would like to tell you, that you have won a free apartment! They come furnished! In this building, there are lots of things to do! (Like a pool). The first apartment (left) is modern style and features a priceless shoe collection. The second apartment (right) is for those of us who prefer rustic style things, and it also features a priceless shoe collection. Both apartments also have a wonderful view to the city. To view from the comfort of the beds! After I saw what Sinnyle D. Mencha or @Athrylith did, I decided to do something similar, and that’s how the Hiberpartments were born. The bathrooms are on the left side of the elevator and another view to the city is at the right.

Best regards, Allison Cami Q.

Published: 06-12-2023Updated: 06-12-2023


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