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HiberSuites 2017

HiberSuites 2017



[Hiber Player]
1203 Hiber Blvd, Apt 07
New Hiber City, NH 22946

Dear [Hiber Player],
I hope this letter finds you well. Welcome to the HiberSuites! It's a newly-opened building at downtown Hiber City. Your suite features an open wardrobe, a shiny PC (latest model of Hiber AB), a free corkboard, a vanity, and a view of uptown Hiber City! Please make yourself comfortable.

Sinnyle D. Mencha (CEO of HiberSuites)

P.S. You might find the lack of an in-room comfort room concerning. Sorry about that! There's one right outside your room in the hallways; the panels in each stall correspond to a specific CR function.

Published: 29-11-2023Updated: 30-11-2023


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