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The Hiber Complex

The Hiber Complex


' 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all' ' -- Alfred Tennyson, In Memoriam A.H.H.

CREATOR'S NOTE: You may wonder why I started this description with a quote. Well, there are sad times looming over all of us -- @Satchmosax sir's...leaving 😣😣😣😣.
Yes, @Satchmosax as in the most active employee of Hiber...and provides inspiration to all - I'm talking about him.
Well, I had once asked him abt Hiber and he told me what it looks like. I just gave it the finishing touches.
I once wanted to create Hiber in HiberWorld. Never knew I'd get the chance at such an ill-fated time.
Anyway, welcome to Hiber! Enjoy your exploration 🥲.

Dedicated to:
...and all who left Hiber in 2024 T_T

Published: 24-06-2024Updated: 24-06-2024


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