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Numberblocks Place value 2

Numberblocks Place value 2


With even bigger numbers.Meet 0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,10000000,1000000000,10000000000,& 100000000000.Before it was up to 10,000,000 but now thanks to @HiberOfficial & @HiberLabs Creating new things now I can make bigger numbers.This one is SUPER DUPER EPIC.Even Flying cars are added there.The Goal is on top of 100,000,000,000,.You need to be big and SUPER jumpy to get on top of him.Anyways thanks to @HiberOfficial & @HiberLabs now I got new stuff.Thank you guys.Also why didn't you guys accept my friend request.If YOUR a friend of @HiberOfficial & @HiberLabs tell them please because they didn't accept my friend request.Maybe they was busy working on something for us.Also more followers cause I have 36.Bye!

Published: 28-03-2024Updated: 28-03-2024


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