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Another Goodbye....(READ DESCRIPTION)

Another Goodbye....(READ DESCRIPTION)


i am so in the middle of confusion rn..
So basically, in my world called Farewell, for @JesusLovesYou
when i written in the description that @JesusLovesYou is gonna leave, uhh, she actually aint' gonna, and she said that she didn't wanna leave after i created that world, so yeah....
But she will still be on hiber, but she will disable her chat for 2-3 years, she can only turn on her chat back for emergencies, or when co-creating ig.... And today i woke up to find her chat has been disabled.... Goodbye @JesusLovesYou I wish you the most, love you bestie goodbye....
this is proof that she disabled her chat

Published: 17-02-2024Updated: 17-02-2024


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