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The Backrooms...

The Backrooms...


find all the keys and extra items for health to find the way out! Enjoy!
Also , here is some tips for the Entities in there
EX he is at the thumbnail and is always watching next to the wall you see
when you see him, you should walk slowly, DO NOT RUN! he will sense it and try to catch you.
Max he is pale white and is always tilted. He does not like people and can recognize me sometimes. Stay away from him too.
Mary she was a child wandering around here and got trapped. she turned insane and her neck grew. STAY AWAY FROM HER AT ALL COSTS.
Mi He is tall and black all black. he won't do anything he will just stare at you. DO NOT RUN EITHER.
Smilers they always smile. WHEN YOU SEE THEM RUN!
Frowners They always frown. safer than smilers too.

Published: 05-12-2023Updated: 05-12-2023


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