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Hiber jungle (50 followers special)

Hiber jungle (50 followers special)


You wake up to find your self in a jungle… Hiber Jungle! Escape to find angelic wings and fly in a paradise and relax on your own or with your friends! Please feature this game! Mostly for my student teacher (I’m a student) because she left today :( Hopefully she visits! also,TYSM FOR THE 50 FOLLOWERS. I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the game as much as I enjoyed making it. Hopefully everyone plays this game. It took me 2-3 weeks to make this game… another thing. i thought this was a cool idea to make but half got deleted. Just like other games that I didn’t post cuz I got mad.. this is a relaxing peaceful game so no rude or bad behavior! Including anything vi0lent or anything mean.
I hope you enjoy this game!Anyway Ty for reading!

Published: 09-12-2023Updated: 11-01-2024


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To learn how to unlock it, follow the instructions in the level description.