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The Lava Lord Rises- Read description

The Lava Lord Rises- Read description


The lava lord awakens from his 102 years in a sealed rock. In order to regain his full power, he needs two items: The Holy Arm, and the Arrow of Command. Unfortunately, he has the Holy Arm. Fortunately, you have the Arrow of Command. In order to take back the Arrow of Command, he set you in three challenges: The first one is the lava parkour. Second is the Labyrinth of Fear. The last challenge is trying to steal the Holy Arm. You must find all the lava keys, then face him down and avoid all the traps and fire. The Holy Arm is on his left arm. Thanks for playing!

Mod shoutouts:
@Hiberofficial please feature
@Satchmosax please feature
And all the other Hiberworld staff.
Sorry ran out of room cant put friends

Published: 25-08-2023Updated: 25-08-2023


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