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guess the song

guess the song


Hello guys! I think you can't guess this! Only FILIPINOS can know this!
Tong, tong, tong pakitong - kitong
Alimango sa dagat,
Mahirap mahuli,
Sapagkat nangangagat!

Tang, tang, tang, pakatang - katang
Alamanga sa dagat
Maharap mahala
Sapagkat nangangagat!

Teng teng teng peketeng - keteng
Elemenge se deget
meherep mehele
sepegket nengengeget

Ting ting ting pikiting kiting
Ilimingi si digit
Mihirip mihili
Sipigkit ningingigit

Tong tong tong pokotong kotong
Olomongo so dogot
Mohorop moholo
Sopogkot nongongogot

Tung tung tung pukutung kutung
Ulumungu su dugut
Muhurup muhulu
Supugkut nungungugut

Tong tong tong pakitong kitong
Alimango sa dagat
Mahirap mahuli
Sapagkat nangangagat!

That's the end of the song.
Now guess it!

Published: 11-04-2023Updated: 11-04-2023


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