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The Kingdom-Castle run -SK22-

The Kingdom-Castle run -SK22-


This took me about 5-6 days to make. I had to copy the Full kingdom from my Minecraft world and make it here. Somethings I couldnt make but most things I Have made. Thanks to hiber no budget level. So I made as Much as I could. Anyways, the first day was drawing everything on a piece of paper. 2nd day was for building the main castle. 3rd for the other 3 small things. 4rth day for making the temple, 2 windmills, and the 5th day for making the opposing kingdom. But anyways. I hope you guys enjoy this game.
*Story mode in Comments pinned comment*

And I will see you guys... In the next game!
till then, Byeeek!

Published: 17-07-2022Updated: 17-07-2022


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